Sign Up Here to Blog 31 Days™ at our next blog…

Sign up and then review the 10 steps for success at Blog 31 Days™:

1. Sign up for free…

2. Choose A Topic
Here’s the way it works. You will choose a topic that you truly love and one in which you can write about for 31 days. Yes, 31 days. ( And, some of those days are surely going to be long because life happens?)

You must really love this topic enough to spend a great deal of time and effort blogging about it so choose well. This would be something that you enjoy, want to learn more about and even want to share with others.  You might be an expert about this topic but you don’t have to be. This may be the very topic in which you gain your expertise as your research, write and blog. This could be the beginning of your first book or tenth book….

3. Select a Category

We have selected 3 main Categories from which to choose. Your topic should fit under one of these categories. At a given time, you will sign up with your topic beneath one of those categories. IMPORTANT- You can only sign up under one category. (Blog 31 Days reserves the right to remove any duplicate blogs or users. See rules for participation).

Choose a category to go along with your blogging idea

~About Me/ Family/Friends
~Faith/ Inspiration

4. ~If you want to-Create a Blog31 Button but you don’t have to…

Create a blog or share button for your topic if you want one on your link. If not, it’s ok. It will be important for you to make your share button title catchy and interesting so as to encourage readers to click on it. Think carefully about what you will title your blog button. Share buttons should be 125 x 125 and can be made using Pic Monkey, Canva, Ribbet or other editing software.   It is always good to use your own photograph or image but there are many free art images in the public domain that can be used. For more information on making a blog button click here.

5. Begin to Blog and Develop your Idea. You will really need to focus on your theme and topic in order to put out a blog post every day. Generally a blog post should be approximately 300-700 words. (CLICK HERE for ideas about blogging topics)

In order to sign up for this Blog 31 Days, Click Here and be sure to follow the directions from all of the emails on the way to you!

6. Join our Facebook Group in order to read about successes and down times of others. This will give you opportunity also to chime in yourself. CLICK HERE to join the Blog 31 Facebook group.

7. Visit the Tips and Tricks Section for ideas to help you find success.


Review the Link Tool for linking up your blog. CLICK HERE for the Link Tool. Practice this tool. To link up you must join. (free).

9. Visit our Products Page and select from a variety of t-shirts, hats, pens and journals.

10.  Blog, blog, blog...celebrating every night with one of these things will make you happy.  (Click Here to Celebrate)

So that everyone will be able to follow your blog on your website. Make it easy for them by linking all of your 31 days writings to one beginning post.  Here’s how to do that:

On your own blog, you will set up a post to give a caption for every single day that you write.  For example if you are writing about “How to change the world”, you will create a page called just that and on that page number from 1-31 ( 31 days of writing).  Each day as you blog you will link your day-blogging to that day. For example:  On day 1 you might have an introduction so your page will look like this:


How To Change The World

Day 1- Introduction ( and you will link the introduction blog to this). On your 2nd days you might blog about “Changing the world is not easy”.

Day 2- Changing the World is Not Easy ( You will return to the “How To Change the World” page to link up day 2 and day 3 and so on until at the end of your 31 days your whole 31 day series(all 31 individual blogs)  is linked on the “How To Change The World” page on your own personal blog.People can then go to your website and click on your “How To Change The World” page to find your whole 31 day series. They can follow along as your blog from day 1 all of the way to day 31.  Fun times and lots of visitors!

Don’t forget to also LINK UP with the LINK TOOL in order for your thumb print to show your work on this Blog31Day March 1, 2020 challenge.  Link up HERE.

You only have 6 days in which to link up so hurry! Links will be open from the 1st at midnight to the 6th at midnight. You can blog without being linked up but what linking up does, is give you exposure with other bloggers doing this project.

Welcome To Blog 31 Days

Greetings and welcome to Blog 31 Days. On the day to begin the process to “link up” with your amazing blog post, we want you to blog 31 days straight! If you have not already done so, please join this site, our Facebook blog31days group and Inlinkz, a linking group. ALL are free!

This will begin your journey to be a part of  blog 31 days. Then, you can begin to write in order to memorialize your thoughts, publish your works, develop your website.   That will catapult you into a great position to create your book, start your ebook, write your memoir, be a  Kindle or Amazon writer and more! This is your chance.   Check out HERE the categories or linking up-  

Click HERE to Blog 31 days

Our Updates and Newsletter

Hey, you surely want to keep up with all that’s going on with Blog 31 Days so definitely sign up for the monthly Blog 31!

It’s simple and most of all it’s FREE!

Tips and Tricks

Thank you for visiting our Blog 31 Days “Tips and Tricks” section.

In order to find success in this Blog 31 Days project, you will need information about some important things:

1. How to have a website of your own. There are many places in which you can find help in this area. Please consider these ideas. You can choose to have a domain name such as or you might prefer to use a company’s blog such as your

One is a paid website and the other is a free website.  There is more flexibility with a paid website and there are often limitations with a free website.  You can always use a free website and change to a paid website.  To participate in Blog 31 Days you will need a platform for sharing your work and a website will do the trick!  Decide which website type you will use.  If you already have a blog, you’re good to go.

2. What to name your blog. The most effective blog names are those relevant to your drum beat(What do you love?)  and something short and simple.  If you’re bent on writing about animals, choose an animal name or focus.  Say you enjoy sewing, then figure our some catchy “Nit and Stitch” type name. You may enjoy inspirational writings and you could select a name such as “Jesus My Heart”. Whatever you choose, be sure that you focus on your “main” love so that you can zero in on that focussed area for writing. Keep it simple and short if possible.

3. You’ll need a topic and name for the “blog31day” article you’re writing.  We have chosen 3 categories for our bloggers.  You will list your article under “one” of those categories.  Your article should have a name that is catchy, interesting and that will lure folks to your blog.  Think carefully about what you will name your blog article. I’m thinking about an article such as:  “10 Things Every Blogger Should Do”.

4. How to link with others will be “yuge!” Also, you’ll need a thumb-sized logo or blog button (optional)  To create a blog button of 125 x 125 you may choose canvas for FREE or for $5.00, you could let someone else do this for you on “Fiver”.

This button will be used to link up with others.  In order to link with others and have your work show up among the other bloggers, you will “link up”.  Be sure to practice this before the link goes live.  CLICK HERE  for  more information.

5. Having a place in your home that is designated for you to blog will be paramount. It should be away from the noise and movement of things going on. It should be comfortable and a place where there is little distraction.  A writing desk, corner, office or quiet spot is very important if you’re going to be a dedicated blogger for 31 days.  As it is, life happens so be sure to set yourself up in a blogging-type environment.

6. Creating a folder in your computer and naming it “Blog 31 Days-3/ 2020” will help you focus on the task at hand. This will be a place to gather all of your writings.  Name and date this folder.

Disclaimer-(*Some of our links are 3rd party and affiliate links)

Blogging in January 2020

Attention!  Attention everyone!  In January of 2020 we ( all interested bloggers) are going on a blogging experience that will possibly change your life forever!  You, as a blogger will be able to link together to share your heart; God’s heart.

In the month of July, we are preparing for that huge event on August 1 when we gather HERE to begin this journey together.

Oh, and to practice linking up so you can participate. Here is the link…

More Later,


What is Blog 31 Days?

Okay.  This is going to be so fun explaining.  Blog 31 Days is a blogging experience that covers literally 31 days of writing.  It’s free and you are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Wikipedia explains the days of the months this way:

“Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November;
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting February alone,
And that has twenty-eight days clear
And twenty-nine in each leap year.”

It is a traditional verse mnemonic used to remember the number of days in the months of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It arose as an oral tradition and exists in many variants. It is currently earliest attested in English, but was and remains common throughout Europe as well.”

Our blogging experience will begin in August for yes, 31 days!  I hope you’ll join in. It’s free. We will also use other 31 day months of the year but our inaugural blog will be in August of 2017 for 31 days!

Welcome To Blog 31 Days

Welcome to Blog31Days. I’m so happy you found us!  I’m so happy we found you!  What a possible team! Ha!

The focus of this site is to  get folks just like you happily blogging and to allow us to help you focus on what you really, really care about.   The blogging phenom has really hit the fan and if you’re not in that fan club, it’s time to jump on board.  Take your time and go through our site and prepare to join us in August for our first “Blog 31 Days” event!  Are you in?  I hope so…