Well, Phooey! I’m Still Blogging!

Well, phooey!  Only a handful “liked” my blog yesterday!  Phooey again!  It was concise, encouraging and had a little “ring” to it..”Blah! Blah! Blah! Blog”.  Don’t you think that’s cute?  Well only a handful “liked” it meaning only and handful either “got it” or really “liked it”.

That’s what blogging is all about folks.  Sometimes readers like what you write and sometimes they don’t. You just cannot and I repeat cannot let it get you down. You have to forge forward with your mission.

Right now I’m on a mission to write 31 days. I’m blogging on chickens… I know, “chickens?”  Well, it’s what you do when you have 40 folks.  They are your life, basically and you just write about them cause it’s what you do!  And, let me say, #chickenlivesmatter too!  <a href=”https://chickenlivesmatter.com/2017/07/01/blog-31-days-a-series-on-chicken-lives-matter/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Check out my blog on my chickens… </a>

Okay?  If not, I’m going to say “phooey!”

Bye for now ya’ll!
