Mission Statement

We are Christian based in our efforts.

Our mission statement:
“That the United States and the world might know Christ through  word and example”.

Statement of Faith:
1. We believe the Bible is the inspired, the only infallible authority of God. We believe it to be God’s Word. We believe there is one God in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
2. We believe that man is lost and undone and needs a Savior to avoid judgement. We believe that Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ. Luke 24:46-47.
3. We believe the true Christians have the Holy Spirit inside their being and can live a Holy life. John 3:5-8.

4.  We believe that God gives Christians spiritual gifts, one of which may be the ability to share faith using the written word, aka-“blogging”.  Our hope is that our bloggers would see this as a mission in their lives, to make a difference in the United States and the world by using the written word.  If this is your heart, please join us in  “blog 31 days”.

Definitions @ Blog 31 Days

1964 Encyclopedia World Book Dictionary.

Getting Started


• Blog 31 Days-
A blogging campaign where participants share their thoughts in writing. This campaign is done during the 31 day months of the year. Our campaigns vary so keep up with us on our website. Our first campaign was August, 2017 : Other possible campaigns- January,
March, May, July, August, October, December.

• Blog-
To blog is to “write” on a website sharing your thoughts with others. Blog comes from the words web-log; blog.

• Blogger-
A person who blogs is called a blogger. Bloggers share information, encourage the masses and make a difference in their circle of influence.

• Blogging-
Blogging is the act of writing or “blogging”.  Blogging is writing and “blogging” or sharing your ideas on a website or online format. We recommend a blog post being at least 300 words or more.

• Email-
Electronic mail is a way of communicating on the internet.

• Christian Faith– Followers of Christ.  See our mission statement HERE.

• Link Tool-
In order to link our blogs together, we use a system which requires a “link tool”. This link tool is a code especially prepared for website use. Visit this link tool HERE to “Blog31days”.  Be sure to practice before the first day in order to be ready to link up.   To get the link tool Click HERE.  It is simple and easy to use.


A permalink is the link to a particular page in which you want to share with others. For example, in Blog 31 Days case, you want to share a set of  31 writings which you will list on ONE landing page.  When a people click on day one it will take them to the day one article you’ve written.  When people click on day fifteen, it will take them to the day 15 article you have written.

Day 1 through day 31 are listed on ONE landing page and then people can pick and choose from the 31 topics you’ve written.  The first page of this 31 day event is your landing page for this series.  That is the link that you will use with the categories.

• Share Button-
So that your image or logo can be used with the link tool, you will need to prepare an image or “share button”. For our use it needs to be sized 125 x 125. Click HERE for more information about how to create a share button. You can create a share button at Canva, Pic Monkey, Cool Text.com or some other software for logo making.

• Subscribe-
We want you to be informed, so to do that we have an email listing that you can be a part of which will let you know of the up and coming blog parties. Please subscribe HERE.

FAQ-What is Blog 31 Days?


•What is Blog 31 Days? By  July 15, 2017 the results for blogging 31 days was 87,000 articles. Can you imagine all of the writing and blogging going on during the months of 31 days? By  December 1, 2019 there were 52,500,000 articles on blogging 31 days! So…that said, YOU are a part of a phenom! Make the best of it!

Our focus will be 31 days of writing; one blog a day for 31 days and we do this on months of the year that have 31 days. If you already know how to link up go here-

•Get our newsletter and keep up-to-date with our blog parties. You can be a part here~ just sign up!

•What is a blog and who can be a part of this Blog 31 Days project? A blog is a web-log or “blog”.  Bloggers are people who write using the WWW (World Wide Web) to distribute their thoughts. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO PARTICIPATE-

We welcome bloggers to be a part of this venture. A blogger is one who has something important, useful, unique and even sometimes earth-shaking to say. Bloggers use a computer to “blog” and generally blogs are entered on a web page. (See our mission statement.)  We reserve the right to remove any blog for reasons inappropriate to our mission. ( Don’t be offended.  There are so many other blogs that you can join which may suit your positions and belief system. Please refer to Blog 31 days on a search to find them.)

You can get a free website or “blog” or purchase a paid one. CLICK HERE for more information.

•What is the process to be a part of Blog 31 Days.The biggest thing about blogging 31 days is being passionate about a topic so much that you have enough information to share every day for 31 days. In addition, to blog 31 days and get your link published you will need to “link up”.  There is definitely a process to do this so  Click Here for the How To of Blog 31 Days.  

Click here to link up-

Can I submit two or more Blog 31 Days series?

No. Only one blog post per day is accepted using our Blog 31 Day series. Any duplicates will be deleted.

How do I link up to include my blog on the Blog 31 Days entries? Click HERE to learn how to LINK UP.

How do I find my link once I’ve entered it?

To find your link, simply go to the category that you chose and look for your thumb print.  Carefully search entries or even use the “search” area on Blog 31 Days. If you do not see your blog, review the rules for participating section. Blog 31 Days has specific rules of behavior expected and we reserve the right to monitor our site. No advertising is permitted. No self-aggrandizing or promotional material is permitted.  See our mission statement also.

Ready to link up with other amazing bloggers? Join today!

Our Updates and Newsletter

Hey, you surely want to keep up with all that’s going on with Blog 31 Days so definitely sign up for the monthly Blog 31!

It’s simple and most of all it’s FREE!

Linking Up

In order for you to participate in the Blog 31 Days Party and have your link active on our blog, you’ll need to “link up”. To “link up” you will cut and paste your permalink from your article landing page and paste it into one of the three categories provided.  When you do, your website page will show up on our blog group of writers.

It will be important that you try out the link up before the first day of blogging. You can learn about linking up HERE.

We’re excited that you are going to blog 31 days with us. Practice using the link up tool and you’ll be ready to blog on the first day of the Blog 31 Days event.

Tips and Tricks

Thank you for visiting our Blog 31 Days “Tips and Tricks” section.

In order to find success in this Blog 31 Days project, you will need information about some important things:

1. How to have a website of your own. There are many places in which you can find help in this area. Please consider these ideas. You can choose to have a domain name such as http://www.blog31days.com or you might prefer to use a company’s blog such as your name.wordpress.com.

One is a paid website and the other is a free website.  There is more flexibility with a paid website and there are often limitations with a free website.  You can always use a free website and change to a paid website.  To participate in Blog 31 Days you will need a platform for sharing your work and a website will do the trick!  Decide which website type you will use.  If you already have a blog, you’re good to go.

2. What to name your blog. The most effective blog names are those relevant to your drum beat(What do you love?)  and something short and simple.  If you’re bent on writing about animals, choose an animal name or focus.  Say you enjoy sewing, then figure our some catchy “Nit and Stitch” type name. You may enjoy inspirational writings and you could select a name such as “Jesus My Heart”. Whatever you choose, be sure that you focus on your “main” love so that you can zero in on that focussed area for writing. Keep it simple and short if possible.

3. You’ll need a topic and name for the “blog31day” article you’re writing.  We have chosen 3 categories for our bloggers.  You will list your article under “one” of those categories.  Your article should have a name that is catchy, interesting and that will lure folks to your blog.  Think carefully about what you will name your blog article. I’m thinking about an article such as:  “10 Things Every Blogger Should Do”.

4. How to link with others will be “yuge!” Also, you’ll need a thumb-sized logo or blog button (optional)  To create a blog button of 125 x 125 you may choose canvas for FREE or for $5.00, you could let someone else do this for you on “Fiver”.

This button will be used to link up with others.  In order to link with others and have your work show up among the other bloggers, you will “link up”.  Be sure to practice this before the link goes live.  CLICK HERE  for  more information.

5. Having a place in your home that is designated for you to blog will be paramount. It should be away from the noise and movement of things going on. It should be comfortable and a place where there is little distraction.  A writing desk, corner, office or quiet spot is very important if you’re going to be a dedicated blogger for 31 days.  As it is, life happens so be sure to set yourself up in a blogging-type environment.

6. Creating a folder in your computer and naming it “Blog 31 Days-3/ 2020” will help you focus on the task at hand. This will be a place to gather all of your writings.  Name and date this folder.

Disclaimer-(*Some of our links are 3rd party and affiliate links)

Blogging in January 2020

Attention!  Attention everyone!  In January of 2020 we ( all interested bloggers) are going on a blogging experience that will possibly change your life forever!  You, as a blogger will be able to link together to share your heart; God’s heart.

In the month of July, we are preparing for that huge event on August 1 when we gather HERE to begin this journey together.

Oh, and to practice linking up so you can participate. Here is the link…

More Later,


Well, Phooey! I’m Still Blogging!

Well, phooey!  Only a handful “liked” my blog yesterday!  Phooey again!  It was concise, encouraging and had a little “ring” to it..”Blah! Blah! Blah! Blog”.  Don’t you think that’s cute?  Well only a handful “liked” it meaning only and handful either “got it” or really “liked it”.

That’s what blogging is all about folks.  Sometimes readers like what you write and sometimes they don’t. You just cannot and I repeat cannot let it get you down. You have to forge forward with your mission.

Right now I’m on a mission to write 31 days. I’m blogging on chickens… I know, “chickens?”  Well, it’s what you do when you have 40 folks.  They are your life, basically and you just write about them cause it’s what you do!  And, let me say, #chickenlivesmatter too!  <a href=”https://chickenlivesmatter.com/2017/07/01/blog-31-days-a-series-on-chicken-lives-matter/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Check out my blog on my chickens… </a>

Okay?  If not, I’m going to say “phooey!”

Bye for now ya’ll!


Blah, Blah, Blah, Blog

Hey! Are you blogging? Are you? Is it just inside of your being to want to put words down?

Well, I am on a mission! I wish I could feel this way all of the time! I am writing day and night, night and day and so happy. I’m so happy. It’s as if everything is a story! My daughter will say something, or I will see something, or I’ll hear something and I run to my go-to journal to write down my very thought so I won’t forget it.

Next month we’re going to take a journey together where we “Blog 31 Days”. I am hoping that you will take this trip with me. It will require A LOT and I mean a lot. You’ll have to blog, blog, blog, blog! But, if that’s what you love… hey….

Check out our links about the “Blog 31 Days” event up and coming and take part. Okay?
