Categories- 2022

Categories-Blog 2022

Add your link-

About Me, family/friends

Faith and Inspiration

Personal/ Miscellaneous

  1. Sign Up HERE First.

If you have already signed up then consider the categories above.

Which fits your topic best?   Choose that category to link to.

~About Me, family/friends

~Faith and Inspiration

~Personal/ Miscellaneous Topics

These links will go “live” on the 1st day of the next 31 day month in 2021. Please join in writing an actual blog for 31 days. Be a part of the party.  In order to be a part there are several things you must do and its all free.

Decide your topics

Join for free

Begin setting up your page

Get excited

Jot down ideas.. (31 days is a long time!)

Take a look at the “how to blog page”  and join here so you will know how to link up.

It is quite simple but you will need to join the link up page. Just join and follow directions here.

The link up will allow your blog to show up on this website.  If it does not make sense, no worries.  Just follow the plan and you’ll see.  Relax, take a deep breath. The categories below are important. You must choose ONE category under which you will link up to in order to participate. Choose only ONE category.

After you choose your category, you will go to your OWN blog and set up a page for writing 31 days.

On your  OWN blog, you will set up a page to give a caption for every single day that you write.  For example if you are writing about “How to change the world”, you will create a page called just that and on that page number from 1-31(everyday you’ll write a blog and link it to this landing page).  ( See below).  Each day as you blog anew, you will link that blogging page to that day. For example:  On day 1 you should set up a “landing page”. It’s like an introduction to your everyday blogging and will look like this:

How To Change The World

Day 1- Introduction ( and you will link the blog to this). 

Day 2- Changing the World is Not Easy ( You will return to your beginning blog page that you named  “How To Change the World” page to link up day 2 and day 3 and so on until at the end of your 31 days your whole 31 day series is linked on the “How To Change The World” page on your own personal blog. Visit HERE to better understand how to blog 31 days.

On your website, when you click on day 1 it should take you to the article your wrote on day 1… If you click on day 5, it should take the reader to the article written on day 5, for example.Copyright © 2021 blog31days™. All rights reserved.

Please read our statement of faith and our Policy and Terms page.

Welcome To Blog 31 Days

Greetings and welcome to Blog 31 Days. On the day to begin the process to “link up” with your amazing blog post, we want you to blog 31 days straight! If you have not already done so, please join this site, our Facebook blog31days group and Inlinkz, a linking group. ALL are free!

This will begin your journey to be a part of  blog 31 days. Then, you can begin to write in order to memorialize your thoughts, publish your works, develop your website.   That will catapult you into a great position to create your book, start your ebook, write your memoir, be a  Kindle or Amazon writer and more! This is your chance.   Check out HERE the categories or linking up-  

Click HERE to Blog 31 days

Definitions @ Blog 31 Days

1964 Encyclopedia World Book Dictionary.

Getting Started


• Blog 31 Days-
A blogging campaign where participants share their thoughts in writing. This campaign is done during the 31 day months of the year. Our campaigns vary so keep up with us on our website. Our first campaign was August, 2017 : Other possible campaigns- January,
March, May, July, August, October, December.

• Blog-
To blog is to “write” on a website sharing your thoughts with others. Blog comes from the words web-log; blog.

• Blogger-
A person who blogs is called a blogger. Bloggers share information, encourage the masses and make a difference in their circle of influence.

• Blogging-
Blogging is the act of writing or “blogging”.  Blogging is writing and “blogging” or sharing your ideas on a website or online format. We recommend a blog post being at least 300 words or more.

• Email-
Electronic mail is a way of communicating on the internet.

• Christian Faith– Followers of Christ.  See our mission statement HERE.

• Link Tool-
In order to link our blogs together, we use a system which requires a “link tool”. This link tool is a code especially prepared for website use. Visit this link tool HERE to “Blog31days”.  Be sure to practice before the first day in order to be ready to link up.   To get the link tool Click HERE.  It is simple and easy to use.


A permalink is the link to a particular page in which you want to share with others. For example, in Blog 31 Days case, you want to share a set of  31 writings which you will list on ONE landing page.  When a people click on day one it will take them to the day one article you’ve written.  When people click on day fifteen, it will take them to the day 15 article you have written.

Day 1 through day 31 are listed on ONE landing page and then people can pick and choose from the 31 topics you’ve written.  The first page of this 31 day event is your landing page for this series.  That is the link that you will use with the categories.

• Share Button-
So that your image or logo can be used with the link tool, you will need to prepare an image or “share button”. For our use it needs to be sized 125 x 125. Click HERE for more information about how to create a share button. You can create a share button at Canva, Pic Monkey, Cool or some other software for logo making.

• Subscribe-
We want you to be informed, so to do that we have an email listing that you can be a part of which will let you know of the up and coming blog parties. Please subscribe HERE.